Feel Better Faster When You’re Sick

No one enjoys being under the weather, especially when it drags on. Whether it’s an upset stomach, a bad cold, or a headache, anything that keeps us from feeling our best and enjoying everything we normally like, we simply want it to be over sooner.

Today we’re taking a look at a few ways you can give yourself a better chance of getting better faster when you’re under the weather.

Stay Hydrated 

Even on your best day, hydration has a huge impact on how you feel, both physically and mentally. Your water levels – and the electrolytes your body keeps dissolved in those fluid reserves – and extremely important in all sorts of ways, from temperature regulation to maintaining a regular heartbeat to balancing the fluid levels in all the cells across your body.

It’s especially important to think about hydration when you’re sick. There are additional strains on your water reserves when you’re unwell, from sweating to vomiting and diarrhea – these all dehydrate you and leave you feeling worse. When you’re ill, you’re also lacking in energy and less inclined to get up and help yourself to water, so you need to make sure someone’s helping you, or you’re reminding yourself consciously to make the effort.

Don’t use water alone, as this won’t replenish your electrolytes enough. Look for a specialised product like isotonic drinks. When you’ve stocked your medicine cabinet with something like ORS rehydration tablets diarrhea, vomiting and fevers will be much less taxing.

Enough Rest 

When you’re fighting an infection, you need to let your body devote its energy to that exhausting task. You’ll feel tired, and if you try to push through it and live life like normal, you’ll set yourself back. Emerging from your sickbed too soon can extend the total amount of time you’re ill for, erasing the brief thrill of a return to normality. It can also result in you infecting other people!

When you’re ill, give yourself the time to recover. If you’re able to take time off work – or even work from home, do so, and allow yourself to fall behind in exercise routines and social commitments. Taking your sickness seriously and giving yourself time to recover means a shorter total recovery time before you’re back to full health!

Go to the Doctor 

None of this advice is a substitute for an appointment with your doctor. They can identify the signs of serious health issues, provide treatment to help fight infections, and find out why it’s taking you longer to recover. If you’re worried about your health, the best thing you can to get back to your best faster is talk to your doctor about it.