Ways to Make Your Skin Glow in Minutes

What we wouldn’t do to enjoy excellent skin that has a glow and shine that can rival the stars?
Or, at least look as flawless as Angelina Jolie’s at her latest film screening.

While this is most certainly the dream, sadly, life can get in the way. There are just so many things that can leave your skin in a state of despair. Environmental factors, bad lifestyle and food choices, and so on can all contribute to dull and blemish-ridden skin. In fact, even if Mother Nature has given you awesome genetics, you might still face skin problems due to pollution and other elements.

But, not all is bad. You can improve your skin’s texture and look by practicing some useful tips.
Read on as we discuss these in more detail below.

Apply honey to your face

If you have less to no time, you can take advantage of the simplicity of this tip as this is the
easiest way to glowing skin, for sure.

Here, you will need 1 teaspoon of honey and that’s it. Just massage the ingredient into your skin
to absorb its goodness. This will gradually make your skin shine while simultaneously removing
dark spots.

If you want, you can also add a few drops of lemon to the honey to remove any tan and
naturally bleach your skin as well. Make sure that you don’t go overboard with it, just five to six
drops would do, as too much lemon may lead to skin irritation due to the presence of citric acid.

Make a baking soda scrub

Baking soda is nothing short of a skin care miracle. You can remove dullness, fight acne and
whatnot with this wonder ingredient.

Take a pinch of baking soda, and add it to your favorite moisturizer or cleanser whenever you’re
cleaning your skin. You’ll need to massage the product in for a couple of minutes. Finally, wash
it off with cold water to remove any product traces.

You see, baking soda is a fantastic natural exfoliator that can give you brighter skin almost
instantly. Just like the lemons, baking soda should be used with caution. After all, you wouldn’t
want to deal with those angry red rashes in case of a reaction. Hence, do a patch test to check
whether the ingredient suits your skin or not.

Put on face masks

Beauty companies have recently launched several effective and amazing face masks that can
be used to lend an instant glow to your face. There are multiple varieties that you can select
such as a charcoal peel off mask, hydrating mask, sheet masks, and so on. The best part is that
nearly every variety is effective and useful to help improve your complexion and skin texture.

The idea here is to select a face mask that has a formula that can help to brighten your skin
tone. This way, you can have skin that looks and feels supple. Remember, when you buy face
masks, you have to make sure that the formula is suited to your skin type and contains
ingredients that can help to heal any skin condition that you might be suffering from. Try to place
orders from reputable brands that are renowned for selling quality products.

Massage honey and coconut oil on your face

While we have already mentioned the goodness of honey, if you mix honey and coconut oil
together, you’ll get an even better and more effective combination.

One of the main reasons why people have dull skin is because of dehydration. Now, coconut oil
is a very nourishing element, and when mixed with honey it works diligently to restore the
moisture levels in your skin.

Just apply the coconut oil and honey mixture to your face. After massaging the product into the
skin, leave it on for a few minutes more. Proceed to rinse off with water and pat dry. This will
help make your face shine immediately.

If you have oily skin though, using coconut oil may not be suitable for you as it can clog your

Make a DIY egg white and banana face mask

If you love skin care, you may already be aware of how bananas and raw egg whites have
magical skin brightening properties. Create a face mask by mashing a ripe banana and then
adding 1 egg white to this mixture. Apply generously on your skin and then leave it on for about
5 to 7 minutes. While this may not sound aesthetically pleasing, an egg white and banana face
mask really works wonders to help remove any dryness and dullness.

Get your hands on some fuller’s earth

This remedy right here is one of the most effective ways to instantly transform a dull and uneven
complexion. You only need four ingredients to create this mask: fuller’s earth, sandalwood
powder, turmeric powder, and rose water. Mix these ingredients together to get a runny
consistency. Finally, pour it into an ice tray and store it in the freezer.

Before stepping out of your home, take one of these ice cubes and massage into your skin as a
skin prep. Not only will you get a radiance boost, but even your pores will appear smaller due to
the ice cubes.

Rub tomatoes on your face

Tomatoes contain minerals and vitamins while being slightly acidic that can help to brighten
your skin cells by simultaneously cleaning it from within.

Slice a ripe tomato into two halves and then gently massage it all over your clean face for about
5 to 7 minutes. We would also recommend doing a patch test to make sure that your skin
doesn’t end up getting irritated. After you are done with the massage, you will notice that all
signs of dullness from your face have completely vanished, leaving you with a squeaky clean
and glowing face.

Make a paste of mint leaves

This particular paste is great for the summers due to the cooling effect that mint has. Grab some
fresh mint leaves and grind them to make a paste. Apply a generous coat of this paste to your
face and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water to reveal brighter skin.